Accord-cadre à bons de commande de travaux de plomberie (投標 №116423326cn)


國家: France
語言: FR
數: 116423326
出版日期: 21-12-2024
通過申請結束: 30 天





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[UPH-2018-0376] Ramavtal bygg 源: kommers

[KS 2024/1075] Arbetskläder och arbetsskor 源: kommers

[VON/2024:00119 ] Bemanningstjänster, Socionomer 源: kommers

2. JAVNI RAZPIS ZA INTERVENCIJO IRP11 Podpora za novo sodelovanje v shemah kakovosti iz strateškega načrta skupne kmetijske politike 2023–2027 源: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

Quotations are hereby invited for the design, manufacture and installation of signage at Masebe Nature Reserve. Specifications: 1. Interpretative sign: design, manufacture and installation: - Material: 2mm Aluminum (finished with water-based matt primerless paint); - Text & symbols: will be provided to service provider; - Colour: Multicolour; - Sign Size: 880mm-Length x1130mm-Height; - Sign Frame: 6mmx75mmx50mm unequal angles painted with black gloss enamel; - Location: Masebe Nature Reserve is located in the southern part of the country; - Support Structure: Mounted on two 3m treated wooden poles: Diameter Of 100-124mm; 2. Indemnity and rules sign: design, manufacture and installation: - Material: 2mm Aluminum (finished with water-based matt primerless paint); - Text & symbols: will be provided to service provider; - Colour: Multicolor; - Sign Size: 880mm-Length x1130mm-Height; - Sign Frame: 6mmx75mmx50mm unequal angles painted with black gloss enamel; - Location: Masebe Nature Reserve (around Ga Mathekga and Skrikfontein Villages); - Support Structure: Mounted on two 3m treated wooden poles: Diameter of 100-124mm; 3. Directional sign: design, manufacture and installation: - Material: 2mm Aluminum (finished with water-based matt primerless paint); - Text & symbols: Will be provided to service provider; - Colour: Multicolor; - Sign Size: 37mm-Length x25mm-Height; - Location: Masebe Nature Reserve (around Ga Mathekga and Skrikfontein Villages); - Support Structure: Mounted on one 2m treated wooden pole: Diameter of 75-99mm. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Construction de 24 logements collectifs 源: Marchesonline - public procurement portal