Etudes préalables à la conception de projets levés topographiques (投標 №84667783cn)

國家: France
語言: FR
數: 84667783
出版日期: 24-05-2023





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Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the Appointment of a panel of service providers for the Provision of Freight forwarding and Custom Clearance Services to the CSIR for a period of three (3) years. Scope: The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) requires freight forwarding and customs clearance service provider/s to provide freight clearing, forwarding services, customs clearing services; the receipt, storage, handling, and transportation from the point of origin to the point of destination of the shipment; it also seeks to improve its current processes for providing these Services to its end-user community throughout its locations. The selected Service Provider(s) will share in the mission and business objectives of the CSIR. The Bidder shall provide full clearing and forwarding services “as and when” requested by the CSIR in its capacity as a certified clearing and forwarding company by South African Receiver of Revenue (SARS). Destinations and Incoterms: CSIR’s supplier base is located primarily in the following countries: North America - Canada, United States of America. Latin America - Colombia, Brazil. Europe - Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, France, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Middle East & Africa - Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Eswatini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Zambia, Algeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Turkey, Sudan, Ethiopia and Botswana Asia Pacific and Oceania - Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Fourniture de produits pour accessibilité handicap 源: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Aménagement d"un carrefour giratoire à Ayze 源: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Travaux portant sur l"équipement communautaire du Val d"Onzon Aménagement d"une boucle nature, patrimoine et design 源: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Réhabilitation de 46 logements, 2 à 4 bis rue du Languedoc 源: Marchesonline - public procurement portal

Réalisation des espaces publics de l"ex-dépôt de bus et de la voie en S - T03 dans la ZAC Gare la Vallée 源: Marchesonline - public procurement portal