Verwaltungsgebäude Schloss, Westflügel, Westfassade 1. TA Nord, 06217 Merseburg; Modernisierung der Fensterelemente und steinrestauratorische Maßnahmen - Los 3 Modernisierung Fensterelemente und Türen (投標 №114528775cn)


國家: Germany
語言: DE
數: 114528775
出版日期: 21-11-2024





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Formal quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of anti-virus software license for 1-year duration. Specifications: - 220 x Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange, - 200 x Protection Standard, - Validity Period of at least 12 Months, - Latest version. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of engineering consulting firm for the renovations of the client"s two student accommodation buildings. Scope of works: Please note: the following are the minimum identified items that will require the service provider’s attention. The scope may vary due to the nature of work. Renovations: • Assess the renovation requirements for both residences, • Determine accurate costs for materials, labour, and services, • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standard building codes, • Repair flooring as per findings, • Cover cracks on the walls, • Paint walls as per university standards, • Replace doors and windows as needed, • Repair all damaged areas and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations. Electrical Reticulation Refurbishment: • Refurbish electrical reticulation systems as needed, • Replace missing light fittings and switches, • Inspect electrical wiring and conduits. Plumbing and Drainage Refurbishment: • Install new plumbing and drainage system and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations, • Inspect plumbing and drainage systems. Fire equipment Refurbishment: • Install new firefighting equipment and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations, • Inspect firefighting equipment. Ensure at the end that both buildings are ready for occupation as required by the eThekwini Municipality. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from a service provider to clear vegetation underneath Sundumbili/Isithebe 132kv line 1 and 2 from Sundumbili substation. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

4420 Elektro-, Sicherheits- und Informationstechnische Anlagen (Photovoltaikanlagen) (24-33554) 源:

4420 Elektro-, Sicherheits- und Informationstechnische Anlagen (Photovoltaikanlagen) (24-33554) 源:

Verwaltungsgebäude Schloss, Westflügel, Westfassade 1. TA Nord, 06217 Merseburg; Modernisierung der Fensterelemente und steinrestauratorische Maßnahmen - Los 3 Modernisierung Fensterelemente und Türen 源: