Zimmer- und Holzbauarbeiten (FU - HFU) (25-49022) (投標 №117632638cn)


國家: Germany
語言: DE
數: 117632638
出版日期: 20-01-2025





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  • 選擇關稅
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Formal Written Quotations are hereby requested from suitable service providers for the supply and delivery of office furniture. Specifications: - Zambezi medium back office chair, Qty: 1; - Office Desk, Qty: 1; - Zambezi Visitor’s chair, Qty: 1; - Roller Door Cabinet, Qty: 1. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a suitably qualified service provider to conduct probity audit in respect to a tender to be awarded (94 tender documents). Leadtime 3 to 4 days. Scope of work: The appointed service provider will be required to review of Tender process, on an as-and-when required basis, which includes the following: a) Compliance with the applicable SCM Legislative Framework, b) Compliance with the Bid Specifications Committee (BSC) / Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC), c) Review of the Bid Specification document, Bid Evaluation documents (including the submitted 94 tender documents by all the bidders). Compile a report based on the tender process followed from (BSC and BEC), Submit a Probity Audit for BAC, d) Present the Probity Final Audit to the Bid Adjudication Committee, The above (item a - d) to be completed within 3 - 4 working days for 94 documents. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited to supply a 22Kv current transformer with multi ratios. Specifications: - 400/5, - Insulation test, - Ratio test, - Magnetizing test, - Qty: 09. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited to construct a 1kkV overhead line. Specifications: - Supply poles, stay, guy grips, stays support and tension, - Isolators, - String mink conductor, - Test insulation, - Qty: 1. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Sanitär- und Heizungsinstallation 源: eVergabe.de

Elektroarbeiten - Außenleitung / Leitungszug - Wilhelmsburgkaserne Ulm (24-21618) 源: eVergabe.de