Assetmanagement-App Klinikum Region Hannover (投標 №88632745cn)


國家: Germany
語言: DE
數: 88632745
出版日期: 04-08-2023





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Source skills development service provider - AET tutors (2) for the Adult Education and Training Programme for Eleven (11) learners for a period of 24 months. Scope of work: The AET programme is intended to begin as from 01 July 2023 to 30 June 2025: however, there will be 2 cycles for these learners: - Cycle 1 - 01 July 2023 to 30 June 2024: English; Geography and Life Science; - Cycle 2 - 01 July 2024 to 30 June 2025: Economics; History; Maths Literacy and Business Studies. Quantity: 11 Officials. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Office furniture - Secunda. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision and maintenance of the sanitary services at ARC Bethlehem branch. Scope: Supply and maintenance of 25 SHE bins for 36 months. The ARC requires a 36 (thirty six) months service contract for the provision of labelled biological waste bins, plastic lining, odour neutralizing substance, controlled collection, transportation and disposal of hazardous biological waste from ARC: SG Campus with the waste stream that constitutes sanitary towels. Deliverables/Building names and Quantity of sanitary bins: • Ernest Piper Building: 2 sanitary bins; • Jos De Kock Building: 7 sanitary bins; • Glass House Area: 2 sanitary bins; • Quarantine Lab: 1 sanitary bin; • Insect Pathology: 1 sanitary bin; • Farm Section: 3 sanitary bins; • Grain Technology: 4 sanitary bins; • Karnal Burnt: 1 sanitary bin; • Wheat board Hall: 4 sanitary bins; Total: 25 sanitary bins. Delivery should be within 7 days of receiving the Purchase Order. Delivery Address: ARC Small Grain, R21, Lindley Road, Bethlehem. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Ducting, chilled water piping, insulation renewal, cladding, mounting brackets and major renewal of air handling units (theatre building) - phase 1. Specifications: Theatre building: 1. 7th floor: • AHUs 14, 15, and 16 in 7th floor air-condition room all ducting to be repaired and painted; • To remove rust on metal wall cladding, treat the metal sheet to avoid water penetration & paint ducting and the floor; • Insulation replacement and cladding painting of (2 X 15 m) chilled water line pipes from ground floor to seventh floor; • Insulation replacement and cladding painting of (2 X 24 m) chilled water line pipes from ground floor to seventh floor; • Insulation replacement and cladding painting of (2 X 18 m) chilled water line pipes from - 1 floor to seventh floor. 2. 6th floor: • Restore painting on a section of ducting 1m². 3. Ground floor (loading bay area and maintenance workshop passage): • Clean chilled water pipelines and treat corroded areas. 4. Bar office: • Clean chilled water pipes, treat corroded areas and painting AHU 4. 5. Loft emergency exit side: • Clean chilled water pipes and treat corroded areas. 6. Alhambra roof landing area: • AHUs 5, 6, 7, and 8 clean chilled water pipes, treat corroded areas and paint; • Replace the ducting’ insulations assess the internal conditions and repair where possible; • Waterproof the landing area after. 7. Tudor roof landing area: • AHU 10 clean chilled water pipes, treat corroded areas and paint; • Replace the ducting’ insulations assess the internal conditions and repair where possible; • Waterproof the landing area. 8. Loft roof landing area: • AHU 11 clean chilled water pipes, treat corroded areas and paint; • Replace the ducting’ insulations assess the internal conditions and repair where possible; • Waterproof the landing area; • Remove the fresh air fan ducting manufacture new one with same look and install. 9. 1 Zulu lounge passage arear and storeroom: Clean chilled water pipes, treat corroded areas and painting. Place where goods, works or services are required: 231 Anton Lembede Street - Durban - Durban Central - 4001. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Non-ferrous metals - Sasolburg. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Procurement of Different Items (Skill Lab Items, Computer Lab Items, Furniture, Science Lab Items, Office/IT Equipment, Security Equipment, Appliances, Office Crockery etc.) for Nursing Colleges in Pu 源: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL