Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to conduct a study to reduce red tape for business in three (3) Metro Municipalities in Gauteng Province. The Gauteng Provincial Treasury is seeking professional services to conduct a study to reduce red tape for business in three (3) Metro Municipalities in the Province. Scope: The main objectives therefore are to: - Determine the critical Red Tape issues at the local government level that hinder businesses from taking advantage of business opportunities and/or expansion in the locality; - Investigate the critical red tape issues based on the policy provisions and the actual practice to establish the cause of the issue; - Rank the red tape issues in order of importance to the business and form common areas or thematic areas; - Map out the processes to resolve the red tape issues that are within the local sphere of government; - Develop and implement the action plan to improve the business processes of the identified areas and - Monitor and evaluate efficiency and/or improvements in the local business environment; - Assist in recommending/developing a dashboard Monitoring and evaluation tool that could feed into MEC"s Main dashboard for tracking and reporting. Please note that this quotation was published late. (投標 №94816939cn)