在火門上: 招標、公共採購 2024. 頁 № 12


只: 531
21 nov

數: 94594996

國家: Canada

源: RFQ

21 nov

數: 94641248

國家: Malaysia

源: RFQ

15 nov

數: 94271856

國家: Canada

源: RFQ

12 nov

數: 94088126

國家: United States

源: RFQ

08 nov

數: 93849955

國家: India

源: RFQ

07 nov
顧客: Central public Procurement portal India

數: 93786081

國家: India

源: Central public Procurement portal India

06 nov
Fire safety remediation - Supply and installation of fire doors, plus associated works (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 6 544 693 (CNY)
原始金額: 824 852 (GBP)

顧客: Swindon Borough Council

數: 93755762

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

03 nov
Applications are hereby invited for the following: appointment of a service provider to design, build and deliver to site and install a key population one Stop Shop Centre prefabricated building in Kimberley at Galeshewe Day Hospital (GDH) in the Frances Baard District. Scope: AFSA is seeking services of prefabricated/modular building that can meet its operational requirements for the key Population One Stop Shop centre. The prefabricated/modular block unit should comply with the following requirements: Based on the allocated space and assessment by the GDH and AFSA, to ensure operational functionality, the accommodation should be in the order of 625 m² to 889 m² and must provide for the following: • Eight (8) lockable offices; • One (1) open plan lockable office; • 1 Training room; • Ablution facilities; • Kitchen area; • Lockable storage area; • Lockable Health products storeroom; • The office space should have enough water and electricity supply; • There should be enough uniform lighting in all areas of the office space; • The office space should be equipped with a separate kitchen area that has a sink with cold and hot water taps; • The office space should have appropriate flooring (for example ceramic tiling, carpeting, wooden floors, et cetera); • The office space should have air conditioning in the workstation areas. • The office space should have stable power for the utilization of electronic equipment such as computers, photocopiers and other electronic goods and appliances; • The office space should be fitted with related fire protection systems as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act; • The office space should have burglar bars on the windows and entrance/exit doors; • The prefabricated block unit and site facilities are intended for use daily as the local office for the One stop shops centre staff and a safe space offering clinical and social services for the key and vulnerable population. The appointed service provider to design, manufacture, deliver, install and commission all the facilities shall be responsible for the proper and safe functioning of the installation and any claim on the grounds of want of knowledge will not be entertained. Specifications: • Park Home Size: 25 m x 25 m; • Land size: 33 m x 33 m. (EN) 添加到收藏夾

數: 93653039

國家: South Africa