Loughborough University (Loughborough, United Kingdom CSTMR№53560): 聯繫人、地址、電子郵件, 招標

電子郵件地址: D.A.Tyler@lboro.ac.uk
電話號碼: +44 15092223625
國家: United Kingdom
城市: Loughborough
地址: Loughborough University
Purchasing Office
LE11 3TU
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): LE11 3TU
For the attention of: Tim Burton
Telephone: +44 15092223625
E-mail: D.A.Tyler@lboro.ac.uk
Internet address(es):
General address: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/loughborouni/aspx/home

合同: 12
招標: 94
源: TED

只: 17
03 feb
The Provision of Loughborough University Student Accommodation (LUSA) Development (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 460 194 300 (CNY)
原始金額: 58 000 000 (GBP)

通過申請結束: 16 天
顧客: Loughborough University

數: 118337680

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

28 nov
LU00925 The Provision of an Estates Consultancy Framework (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 63 475 076 (CNY)
原始金額: 8 000 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 114988789

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

11 oct
The Supply of Ironmongery and Sundries for Loughborough University Stores (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 3 173 754 (CNY)
原始金額: 400 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 112111436

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

24 apr
Revolving Credit Facility (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 8 331 104 (CNY)
原始金額: 1 050 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 103412510

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

23 apr
The Provision of Air Conditioning and Comfort Cooling Systems Maintenance (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 4 760 631 (CNY)
原始金額: 600 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 103348854

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

07 mar
The Provision of LEV & Bio Hazard Safety Cabinet Inspection Services (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 5 157 350 (CNY)
原始金額: 650 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 100918954

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

08 feb
LU00838 - The provision of a Salary Sacrifice EV scheme (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 11 901 577 (CNY)
原始金額: 1 500 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 99278872

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

05 feb
The Provision of Waste Collection & Recycling Services (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 24 794 952 (CNY)
原始金額: 3 125 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 99034175

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

26 aug
The Provision of Patent Services (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 4 760 631 (CNY)
原始金額: 600 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 89903193

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

26 jul
The Provision of Security Systems Maintenance (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 3 649 817 (CNY)
原始金額: 460 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 88090217

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

22 mar
Graduation AV (bought in event and production service) (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 3 173 754 (CNY)
原始金額: 400 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 80808921

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

10 mar

數: 79421834

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

15 feb
The Provision of Coach, Minibus & Taxi Services (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 4 998 662 (CNY)
原始金額: 630 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 77958716

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

27 jan
The Maintenance of Pressurisation Units and Associated Expansion Vessels (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 3 332 441 (CNY)
原始金額: 420 000 (GBP)

顧客: Loughborough University

數: 76577390

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

和其他人...... 客戶

數: 53555

國家: Romania

源: TED

數: 53556

國家: Romania

源: TED

數: 53558

國家: Croatia

源: TED

數: 53559

國家: Romania

源: TED