Herefordshire Council (Hereford, United Kingdom CSTMR№73270): 聯繫人、地址、電子郵件, 招標. 頁 № 11

電子郵件地址: [email protected]
電話號碼: +44 1432383605
國家: United Kingdom
城市: Hereford
地址: Herefordshire Council
Council Offices, Plough Lane
United Kingdom
Contact person: HR4 0LE
Telephone: +44 1432383605
E-mail: [email protected]
NUTS code: UKG11
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:

合同: 49
招標: 350
源: TED

只: 275
09 may
Tender for the provision of Weobley High School Roofing Works, Herefordshire (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 1 793 171 (CNY)
原始金額: 226 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83815504

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

04 may
Replacement boilers at Blueschool House Offices and St Owen's Day Centre (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 793 438 (CNY)
原始金額: 100 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83519742

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

04 may
Replacement boilers at Nelson House Offices and Maylord Orchard Meeting Room (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 793 438 (CNY)
原始金額: 100 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83522077

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

04 may
Replacement boilers at Hillside Care Centre and Ross-on-Wye Library (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 793 438 (CNY)
原始金額: 100 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83522095

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

02 may
Provision of St Marys CE Primary School, Roofing and Ceiling Replacement Works (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 2 777 035 (CNY)
原始金額: 350 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83374857

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

28 apr
Tender for An Integrated Recreation Access Strategy and Action Plan for the Monmouthshire Lower Wye Valley (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 19 836 357 922 (CNY)
原始金額: 2 500 050 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83103214

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

28 apr
Tender for An Integrated Recreation Access Strategy and Action Plan for the Monmouthshire Lower Wye Valley (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 19 836 357 922 (CNY)
原始金額: 2 500 050 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83103215

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

28 apr
Herefordshire Council Boiler Upgrade Programme (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 793 438 (CNY)
原始金額: 100 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 83199486

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

26 apr
Southside Project (Hereford Stronger Towns) (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 1 507 533 (CNY)
原始金額: 190 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 82923249

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

26 apr
Hereford Town Hall Complex - Feasibility Study ITT (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 317 375 (CNY)
原始金額: 40 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 82930043

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

25 apr
Tender for the provision of Internal Refurbishment at The Ryefield Centre (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 1 190 158 (CNY)
原始金額: 150 000 (GBP)

顧客: Herefordshire Council

數: 82883929

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

和其他人...... 客戶

數: 73264

國家: Denmark

源: TED

數: 73265

國家: France

源: TED

數: 73266

國家: Poland

源: TED

數: 73267

國家: United Kingdom

源: TED

數: 73268

國家: Poland

源: TED

數: 73269

國家: Slovenia

源: TED