Lieferung eines Ramanspektrometers für die Polizei Sachsen (投標 №105390661cn)

國家: Germany
語言: DE
數: 105390661
出版日期: 02-06-2024





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Лікарські засоби для лікування хвороб нервової системи та захворювань органів чуття 源: ДЕРЖЗАКУПІВЛІ.ОНЛАЙН

Affidamento lavori di somma urgenza ai sensi dell'art. 140 D.Lgs. 36/2023 - Cod. Int. VE-P0480 源: Regione del Veneto

Gestione dei servizi cimiteriali, funebri e lampade votive 2024-2029 del cimitero del comune di Montecorvino Rovella - CIG : B190F68AC8 源: Comune di Bellizzi

PIANO DI ZONA AMBITO S04_1 - Servizio di Housing First destinato a soggetti residenti nei comuni dellAmbito Territoriale S04_1 in condizioni di grave deprivazione - CIG : B1B059EACD - CUP : B24H22000170006 源: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI CONTRONE - Lavori di Messa in sicurezza e prevenzione del rischio idrogeologico strada comunale Isca - Piana - CIG : B1B9C73344 - CUP : G68H22000670001 源: Comune di Bellizzi

Quotations are hereby requested for the following: V1638: Attend to skip loader, not working, qty: 1. Scope of work: - Vehicle number and registration: V1638, - VIN number: WNCS0302LPAL00199C, - Vehicle description: 1000161912 Tracked Skid Steer Loader, - Model: 18, - Requisition reference number: SC 10084599. Specification: 1. Replace driving tracks x 2, 2. Supply and fit seals on driving tracks, 3. Replace view mirror x 2, 4. Replace driver seat, 5. Replace cutting edges with new bolts, 6. Replace number plate and light, 7. Service machine and commission. Warranty of 12 months on quality of spares used and quality skill of workmanship should be delivered together with vehicle. 源: ONLINE TENDERS