Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (Hungary CSTMR№97856): 聯繫人、地址、電子郵件, 招標

國家: Hungary
合同: 20
招標: 241

只: 170
14 feb
Pantomime - Concession contract (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 30 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118968327

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

14 feb
Holiday Activity Clubs and Food (HAF) for Children - Easter 2025 application (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 9 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118973118

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

14 feb
Mowing Equipment Leasing (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 5 408 584 (CNY)
原始金額: 681 664 (GBP)

通過申請結束: 30 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118978631

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

12 feb
Market Sounding - Residual Waste (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 18 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118796910

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

12 feb
Local Welfare Assistance 2025 (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 7 140 946 (CNY)
原始金額: 900 000 (GBP)

通過申請結束: 30 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118801373

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

08 feb
Tree Works Framework (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 9 917 981 (CNY)
原始金額: 1 250 000 (GBP)

通過申請結束: 23 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118654765

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

05 feb
Tree Works Framework (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 9 917 981 (CNY)
原始金額: 1 250 000 (GBP)

通過申請結束: 23 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 118464473

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

24 jan

數: 117880321

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

24 jan
Home Improvement Agency Market Engagement (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 9 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117880331

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

24 jan
Homeless Support Market Engagement (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 9 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117880332

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

24 jan
Housing Management Market engagement (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 9 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117880337

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

21 jan
Gypsy and Travelling Showpersons Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 476 063 (CNY)
原始金額: 60 000 (GBP)

顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117697197

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

12 jan

數: 117327579

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

08 jan
Extra Care and Care at Home PRINCIPAL providers (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 17 天
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117201831

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

08 jan
Care at Home ASSOCIATE providers (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117201838

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

06 jan
Door Access Control System (Soft Market Testing) (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 117123306

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

20 dec
Contaminated Land Investigation (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 238 032 (CNY)
原始金額: 30 000 (GBP)

顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 116409298

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

12 dec

數: 115904104

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

26 nov

數: 114820133

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

22 nov
Local Welfare Assistance - Market Engagement (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Cheshire west and Chester Borough Council
源: Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

數: 114604796

國家: United Kingdom

源: Contracts Finder

和其他人...... 客戶

數: 97850

國家: United Kingdom

數: 97851

國家: France

數: 97852

國家: France

數: 97853

國家: Poland

數: 97854

國家: France

數: 97855

國家: France