HOOK PARISH COUNCIL (United Kingdom CSTMR№460849): 聯繫人、地址、電子郵件, 招標

國家: United Kingdom

只: 4
02 nov
Construction of a new two-storey sports pavilion, ground works for new Hook Shed building, car parking and associated external works. (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 12 695 015 (CNY)
原始金額: 1 600 000 (GBP)

顧客: Hook Parish Council

數: 113396553

國家: United Kingdom

源: gov.uk Contracts Finder

和其他人...... 客戶

數: 460843

國家: Germany

數: 460844

國家: Spain

源: TED

數: 460846

國家: Switzerland

源: TED

數: 460847

國家: Switzerland

源: TED