The Department of Education (Dublin, Ireland CSTMR№870541): 聯繫人、地址、電子郵件, 招標

電子郵件地址: [email protected]
電話號碼: +353 761008000
國家: Ireland
城市: Dublin
地址: The Department of Education
Telephone: +353 761008000
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:

只: 3
03 mar
School furniture (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: The Department of Education
源: The Department of Education

數: 78946978

國家: Ireland

源: TED

27 jan
School furniture (EN) 添加到收藏夾
初始合同價格: 190 475 524 (CNY)
原始金額: 27 300 000 (EUR)

顧客: The Department of Education
源: The Department of Education

數: 76564026

國家: Ireland

源: TED

08 nov

數: 73038198

國家: Ireland

源: TED

和其他人...... 客戶

數: 870535

國家: France

源: TED

數: 870536

國家: Germany

數: 870537

國家: Romania

源: TED

數: 870539

國家: Sweden

源: TED